6 Sassy Steps Toward Self-Love (Because You Deserve It)

6 Sassy Steps Toward Self-Love (Because You Deserve It)

Hello you fabulous lot. We’re about to embark on a journey to the land of self-love. Buckle up, because it’s wild over there…in the best kind of way!

Step 1: Channel Your Inner Beyoncé

Now I don’t know about you, but Beyoncé’s new country song makes me want to put on a cowgirl hat, boots and do a hoedown. So, with that in mind let’s talk about channelling our inner divas. When it comes to self-love, we often look to iconic divas for inspiration. These fierce women teach us that embracing our inner diva is not about imitating someone else; it’s about tapping into our unique essence and celebrating it unapologetically.

Remember to celebrate yourself and the people around you.

Step 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

Stand in front of a mirror and smile. I’m very serious here haha. Look in the mirror and smile at yourself, or even at your phone’s selfie camera. Psychologists say that even if you have to force a smile, the very act of turning your lips upward can trick your brain into releasing certain feel-good hormones, including dopamine and serotonin. It’s important to smile at other people, just remember you are ‘people’ too 🙂

Step 3: Treat Yo’ Self (Without Breaking the Bank)

Self-love doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Skip the expensive spa day and opt for a DIY pampering session. Run a bubble bath, light some candles, and play Enya (because nothing says “self-love” like a touch of '90s zen). Bonus points if you wear a face mask. That’s real peace.

Step 4: Unfollow Toxic People Like It’s Your Side Hustle

You know those people who drain your energy faster than a dying phone battery? Yeah, them. Unfollow, unfriend, and uninvite them from your life. Ain’t nobody got time for negativity. Let go of the soul suckers and embrace the people who feel like Sunshine. Life’s too short to deal with emotional vampires.

Step 5: Dance Like Nobody’s Watching (Except Your Cat)

Put on your favourite guilty pleasure song (mine’s “Kiss” by Prince), crank up the volume, and dance like you’re in your own 2000’s R&B music video (we all envision that when we have headphones in right?). Wiggle those hips, point those trigger fingers to the air, and remember: Your cat is judging you.

Step 6: Write Yourself a Love Letter (With a Twist)

Grab a pen and paper (or your phone, because #MillennialLife) and write yourself a love letter. But here’s the twist: Pretend you’re writing to your future self. Tell them about all the epic adventures, the embarrassing moments, and the questionable fashion choices. Remind them that they are a badass who survived it all.

Bonus tip: Daily reminders and the power of our words

The power of our words is so important, and too often we don’t realise how much we are putting ourselves down or saying something negative without even realising. A trick to training ourselves out of this bad habit is to create new habits! Positive ones. Change the narrative and don’t allow any room for the negative self-talk. I have sticky notes all over my house with positive words and phrases, compliments for myself and others and I can literally feel my energy shift when I read them out loud. Saying positive things out loud holds some serious power.

I’ve even gone as far as to put them on some of our designs here like our ‘Have a nice day’ phone case or ‘Unconditional self-love’ tee. So the daily reminders can follow you around!


Conclusion: So there you have it, my lovely lot! Six (well seven) steps toward self-love that’ll make Cupid jealous. Remember, you’re amazing. Embrace life, celebrate it, and sprinkle love wherever you go. Self-love isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a superpower.

Disclaimer: This blog is not responsible for any sudden urges to make embarrassing Tik-Tok dances of hoedowns.

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